Congratulations on your upcoming graduation from Career Services! No matter what your plans are after graduation we have some resources to help.
Employment Track
- Evaluate employment options. Network with professionals in your field at Northwest career events.
- Consider your location preferences.
- Attend events sponsored by Career Services. Come into the office to discuss your own individualized post-graduate plan.
- Complete a final draft of your resume.
- Fine-tune your interviewing skills. Review common interview questions and participate in mock interviews.
- Review employment opportunities through Hire A Bearcat, and other Internet resources that meet your job search criteria.
- Build your resume through internship experiences now or post-graduation.
You can see information on where previous Northwest graduates are now employed by visiting our Post-Grad Data page.
Grad School Track
events sponsored by Career Services. Schedule an appointment to discuss your own individualized post-graduate plan.
Apply for graduate programs (first choice/back-ups) based upon a review of school information and faculty advice.
Build your resume through internships, fellowships, research and similar career related experiences.
Complete a final draft of your
Fine-tune your
interviewing skills. Review common interview questions and participate in mock interviews.
- Grad School Application Timeline

- Grad School: Getting In

You can learn more about Graduate school options on our Grad School page.
Get Ahead Steps
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.